Monday 15 December 2014

喜欢意大利面 (Love the Spaghetti)!

That looks really good!
Recently, our class did a lab on making and cooking spaghetti, which I enjoyed very much. We first worked on making the sauces and dough for the spaghetti in one class. With a partner, I mainly worked on making the garlic-infused oil, and tomato sauce we were going to use. The garlic oil turned out to be a bit of a challenge, and we ended up burning some of the garlic pieces. But, since garlic cooks really fast, it easy for it to get burnt, so I'm okay with it. We didn't wash out the pan before doing the tomato sauce, because it was more convenient, since the tomato sauce also needs oil in it's recipe. The next day, while the toppings were reheating, we started rolling out the dough in a KitchenAid attachment that rolled out the dough. I still remember how one of my classmates accidentally spilt oil onto the heated stove and Chef Christoff (sorry) had to clean it up before it burst into flames. Once the dough was thin enough, we added another attachment that sliced the sheets into the desired shape of the noodles. Then we cooked the noodles for a few minutes, divided it up into separate bowls, then spread the oil and sauce on top. I really enjoyed the experience, and would like to try it at home sometime.    

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