Wednesday 31 December 2014

如何火锅是我家庭的一部分(How Hot Pots are a part of my family)

Every once in a while, even on summer nights, our family would enjoyed sitting together at the dining table, and savoring a delicious hot pot. For those who don't know, a hot pot is a East Asian cooking technique, which has a metal bowl with stock simmering in the middle of the table. Different food items, are then cooked in the simmering stock and enjoyed at the table.
A Hot Pot going strong.

We do ours slightly different. We have a sectioned pot with two differently flavored broths in each section , so that each family member could chose their favorite one. Mom always added some things in advance to the actual eating, so that their ready to take out when it's time to eat. We also made sure we had a bowl with a small amount of soy sauce. After that, the pot is placed on a gas cooker. Then, we're ready to start eating. Some of my favorite thing in there include: enoki mushrooms, tofu, bean curds, and rice cakes. We talk a lot during these occasions, although I can barely understand them since I can't understand Chinese. Despite this, it's only a minor set back as we happily help ourselves to what we want from the selection of items. Sometimes we even cook oysters, and romaine lettuce.We usually spend time with each other the most during hot pots, so that's why the hot pot seems important to me, and is a part of my family tradition.

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